
October 1999
Mural Fading Information and
Sun Abatement Proposal

It has been clear to every conservation professional that has inspected these murals over the years that certain colors used for the painting of the murals are sensitive to light and will fade, some quickly, when exposed to sunlight. Since many sections of murals are exposed to direct sunlight, the situation is very alarming. Protecting the murals from direct sunlight and reducing the overall light levels as much as possible should be considered the highest priority as part of the mural’s preservation plan. Indeed, it would be irresponsible to uncover the murals only to let the sun fade them away.
(Click Here for more information)

Cross Sections and Pigment Analysis of
Original Paintings and Overpaint Layers

Samples of the overpainted murals were taken by Perry Huston and Associates and sent to Richard Wolbers at the conservation division of the Winterthur Museum in Winterthur, Delaware for analysis. What follows is Wolbur’s report. A mural not included in the above report was sampled by FACL, Inc. Additional information from Wolbur’s not included on this website may be obtained by contacting Scott M. Haskins at FACL, Inc.
(click here for the partial report)

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